117 Bartlett St. | Marietta, OH 45750

Therapy Success Story with Joe and Nancy

February 22, 2022
Waterview's Therapy Department would like to spotlight a recent success story from Joe and Nancy Vickers! The two came to Waterview Pointe together after having medical issues requiring them to need physical and occupational therapy to return home safely.

Joe recently had back surgery, and Nancy had broken her right ankle at home and was non-weight-bearing. Joe was initially moderate assist for gait training 10 feet with a walker, and when he was ready to discharge home, he was walking 150 feet with close stand-by assist using his walker. His functional transfers improved from max assist to close stand-by assist.

Nancy was minimal assist maintaining non-weight bearing on her right leg with her walker for up to 10 feet and was able to increase to 50 feet upon discharge home. Her transfers improved from minimal assist to close stand-by assist.

Joe shared with us that everyone at Waterview Point has been very nice and caring during his stay. He also stated, "They all have been encouraging and helpful during the recovery from my back surgery. It has been fun. It has been like a cruise." Nancy wanted to share with us and said, "Everyone has been so kind and compassionate. The staff has been encouraging and positive to help get us through our stay and recovery."

We are so proud of your progress in recovery! Thank you for choosing Waterview as your therapy team.

Waterview Pointe Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation is located on the Ohio River in Marietta, Ohio, boasting 80 private rooms, outstanding therapies, memory care and hospice care. To view more of the services we offer at our premier nursing home, click the button below.


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