117 Bartlett St. | Marietta, OH 45750

Resident Highlight: Marjorie

January 26, 2024
Meet Marjorie, a 93-year-old sweetheart who wants to share her love for painting. This is her story.

Marjorie did not always know that she loved painting, or that she had an incredible talent. She shared that at the age of 43, she took one class and it all began from there. After attending her class, she was teaching people on her own shortly after. She went on to teach painting for 47 years.

Marjorie was part of a group of painters from all over the country. She stated that while at a convention in Columbus, a lady from England approached her about teaching in England and Scotland. She shared that she would teach overseas for two weeks at a time. Her only regret about teaching in England was never going to London. When asked what her favorite places she traveled to were, she shared, “Golly, there’s so many. I guess just the countryside in England.” She went on to talk about how beautiful it was, as well as the castles she got to see.

"Painting is some of my happiest days," expressed Marjorie. She loves the feeling of being comfortable and relaxed with a paintbrush in her hand. She reminisced about her late husband of 49 years while sharing that he was so proud of her and whenever they had company over, he would show them her paintings. Marjorie has one son with her husband, whom she's very proud of and says he's just like his dad.

Marjorie’s advice for anyone who wants to start painting is to get into a class. Don't feel intimidated because Majorie said, "You don’t have to know anything about art to love it.” She also expressed the unique bonds and friendships she's built through these art classes, which can be more valuable than the art itself.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Marjorie! We're delighted to have you at Waterview Pointe!

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